
Showing posts from April, 2007

TOR | Achieving Internet Anonymity

I don't remember how I first heard about TOR. But then I was forced to use it. No! not because I wanted to send a threat mail to the govt, but because I wanted to download stuff off a web drive that refused me downloads due to my IP. Since TOR masks your IP (among other neat things it does), I guessed I could fool the download servers into thinking that I was someone else. IT WORKED!!! That's when TOR really got me interested. been using it since 2005 and am continually amazed at how the system works (thanks EFF!!). So here I share TOR with you today. While its a great system, I would discourage you from testing it on a Govt agency. I will not take responsibility if you get yourself implicated ;) So hHere's how TOR does its stuff Though it looks pretty simple, its not! The system is so secure that even a person running a rogue TOR node will not be able to track the origin of the request no matter how sophisticated packet analysis he is capable of. For a low-down on how this...

Verisign would be richer by $27 M

VeriSign, Inc . the domain name registry that controls the .com domain (as well as .net and others), has notified all the registrars of the domain name fee change. VeriSign has announced a fee change for .com & .net domain names w.e.f Oct 15,07. For .com domain names new price would be $ 6.42 from $6.0. Domain registrars would be paying $3.85 for .net domain names. As per the last report, VeriSign has 65 million .com domain names registered worldwide. With this fee increase , VeriSign would have better balance sheets for 2007-08. For details:

Google Voice Local: Google's new baby

Google Labs is back with a bang. A new product called Goog-411 into Google Labs today - a free telephone based information service that could replace toll 411 calls. Google Voice Local Search makes local-business search accessible over the phone in the easiest manner. We can do the following with this baby: search for a local business by name or category. get connected to the business, free of charge. get the details by SMS if you’re using a mobile phone. Goog-411 or Google Voice Local Search can be accessed by dialing 1-800-GOOG-411 . The product is completely automated and there is no way to talk to a human for additional or clarifying information. You tell it your city and state, and then ask for a specific business or business category. To know more Catch the Buzz @