multi-screen mania!

Seems ages ago.. when I gave up on my 15 incher, dug deeper into my pocket and brought home the Samsung 955DF for around 13K (INR). Three years later I still do not have a reason to replace it. It's as good as new and seems to be doing better than when I first switched it on (thanks Displaymate!!).

At 100 Watts/hr, this 23 KG giant still leaves me lots of room on my desk. Room for what??? Well that's when I got this crazy idea. Why not do away with application switching? I was hooked onto multi-monitor rigs from the days of Swordfish.

Guess What! I plan to retire the 19" CRT and replace it with 2 x 20"/22" LCDs by end of this year. Currently I am watching LCD prices drop. I may not be able to duplicate what John did in Swordfish, but I do plan to have something like what Chris Pirillo has -->


  1. Well! the way price is might be able to replicate what John did in Swordfish.....

  2. Hey is this blog dead?? I am sure you'd have something in place to notify you of comments!!

    Have you done/do you plan to do any review on wireless routers? Or better still which one do you use?

    Mind sharing some thoughts in here??? I plan toget one soon, so thought I'd check with you guys if you know any...



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